Monday 10 September 2012

Week 3 Mark

Dear Readers,

It's been almost a week since I last posted about my happenings and I can tell you one thing, it's becoming a bit difficult for me to follow the diet to the letter, because of my changing schedule.

I recently started training for a second job at night, where I'm a customer service operator for a well known restaurant and the training hours are 6 to 8 pm. This said, and the training center being close to my morning work, I shifted my schedule at my morning job to 12 noon to 5 pm, so I head to the training right after.

With this new schedule in place, I'm waking up at 10 am, having my morning coffee with the dose of Siofor, making a sandwich and eating half of it because of a topsy turvy stomach and heading to work. With nothing to eat at work, I'm skipping my lunch meal till I come back home, which is after my training at 9 pm. In between, i'm having a couple of fruits, a 2L bottle of water at work and an Iced Tea Lemon Diet.

Coming home tired and exhausted, i'm spending the rest of my night checking up social activities and then dozing off to bed on a DVD playing in the background.

Some positive things about this week: I lost 3 Kilos last week alone totaling to 8 kilos in 3 weeks so far and 4 Tshirts from my 14 month old wardrobe that wouldn't fit me since my return from Dubai are now large on me (i'm actually wearing one of them right now!)

Stay tuned for further updates!



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