Sunday 26 August 2012

Day 8

Well dear readers, today I started taking 1000 mg of Siofor and as I was expecting the side effects to kick in, I was mistaken. Things are holding up pretty well so far and I'm all good body-wise.

My day started with the regular corn cakes with Labneh on them and a sprinkle of thyme, alongside a cup of my Nescafe. I knew I had to go to the bank to make a transaction and given it was only 400 meters away, I decided to take a walk there.

Reaching the bank, I found out that I couldn't do the transaction till Monday and seeing that I was already in my running shoes and had my earphones on, I decided to do my one hour of exercise then and there (it was also a great day dreaming session for me :P ).

Coming home, I showered and I headed out to a freelance work I had set on my schedule. After that, it was already 3 pm and I headed home for my lunch and on the way home, I picked up my friend Elie to come along.

Once home, mom had made grilled steak for me with onions and peppers alongside a bowl of green salad. Elie and I munched our way through them and they were blissful (we watched Big Bang Theory while eating). Afterwards, my cousin came over and I helped her type her thesis on Word and worked on the formatting as requested by her university. I was done with her thesis at 7:30 pm and she left shortly after.

I took the fish down from the freezer and went back to my room where Elie and I watched some more Big Bang Theory and then I went off to make my dinner.

As I sat to eat my dinner, the power went out and I engaged in a 2 minute marathon to go down and bring the circuit breaker back up before my UPS died. What followed that is something I can't exactly mention publicly but it was a big stresser and I felt that it pumped my insulin levels to an all time high since I started my diet. With that in mind, I retired back to my room and now I'm planning how to spend the rest of my night.

Here's what I have in mind: Go to my friend's house, make some cookies (without eating any), watch DVD, sip on Diet Ice Tea, sleep over, wake up early, come home.

Today was a new experience for me with my diet as I hadn't experienced stress on this level before. I hope it doesn't lead to any complications and I'll keep you all posted on what happens.

T -1 week from my next consultation...

PS: once I get a scale, I'll tell you how much i've lost so far. The old one broke when mom tried to weigh her luggage before travelling and the luggage wheel broke the needle.


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