Sunday 26 August 2012

Day to Day Agenda

I thought it's best for me and for my readers to take a day to day note of how i'm feeling and what i'm going through, so that current and future people with the same case as me know what to expect before taking on the challenge.

Day 6:

I woke up to feeling a bit nauseated... I think the pills are starting to affect me. After my toilet routine, I heated myself a cup of 0 Fat milk, added 3 Canderel drops and added a spoon of Nescafe. It tasted mildly sour but it was good all in all. I prepared my Double Cream cheese sandwiches with whole wheat bread and munched on a Corn Cake in the meantime and drove to work.

I ate my sandwiches alongside a cup of sugar free Ice Tea while working on some artwork designs but my energy and mood was minimalistic. This was day two where I felt this bad. I think it's the combination of 5 hours of sleep with no sugar levels and the Siofor pills i'm taking that are upsetting my stomach.

What I noticed also is that the low sugar levels and high metabolic rate induced by the diet and my exercises are increasing my heart rate to reach the limits of 200 BPM and it's getting annoying most of the time. You feel overwhelmingly tired and you just want it to stop.

Going home, I washed the Iceberg and opened a can of Palmitos and Baby Carrots and cut the cucumbers to make a green and fresh salad topped with fresh cut mushrooms. Coming to the sauce, Lemon Mustard sauce with no oil and with a slight pinch of salt is the way to go and it tastes amazing.

I turned the electric grill on and placed my 200 grams of White Fish filet on it and flavored it with white peppers and lemon zest. If you ask me, it's low cal, it's tasty and it's a new flavor for your taste buds. You can go as creative as you want by including a pinch of dried oregano on the fish and topping it with slices of lemon and baking it in the oven! (C'mon.. show me your culinary skills!)

After lunch, it was already 5:00 PM and I was overwhelmingly tired. I thought of taking a nap but my sister's kids were a bit too noisy so I ended up resting on my bed till 6:30 pm when my friend came over. We sat and spent some time together until it was 8 pm at which time, I headed with my friend to Hamra to meet with a third friend and I picked up my newly arrived DHL items on the way (I'm so excited)!

After having my oven-baked Hamour filet in a restaurant in Hamra, I headed over to my friend Lea's place to troubleshoot PC only to find out that the entire story she told me about it since morning was a sham and she got me over there to give me my early Birthday gift (i'm born on the 25th of Sep), 2 Sean Paul tickets for me and my best friend! I was ecstatic to the point I didn't know how to react... I just stood there like a statue! Friends truly are a blessing! (Await more on this front in my next blog post)

At night, i'm an insomniac.. I usually sleep around 3 or 4 am but with the new diet and with the effect of the pill I'm sleeping at 1am and waking up at 8.

So yes my dear readers, that's it so far.. Day 6 and i'm feeling topsy turvy in my stomach and my energy and mood levels are still fluctuating in realms i'm not yet familiar to.
I will keep you posted on the diet's course in the coming days and don't forget to stay tuned for me bi-weekly check up at the dietician!

Don't forget to keep a watchful eye on Chermine Bahous' tip of the day on her Facebook page. They are both insightful and may come in handy at the most random of times!


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