Monday 27 August 2012

Day 9 - 10

Dear Readers,

As you have noticed, there's no Day 9 post. That's because I decided that I should take a day off and that it might be good for the both of us. However, here's a summary of Sunday:

I woke up at my friend's place, I came home as he left for the mountains. Once home, I spent some time on the computer working on my friend's blog and facebook page and it was already noon. I made myself 200grams of steak for lunch but I skipped on the salad.

Later, I went for my daily jog for 1 hour and given it was still sunny, I came home dripping sweat! I took a shower and hit the bed for a power nap.

At night, I made my 150 grams steak and then headed to Ajaltoun to watch the Comedy Night 5 show with my friends. It was spectacular! The show ended around 12:15 am and then each of us went home.

Given I was already tired, I just hit the bed.

Day 10:

Today was a very awkward day for me. I woke up to the effects of the Siofor and they weren't pretty (I won't go into details). After a bit I went back to sleep as it was 5:30 am. When I got up at 8, I prepped my breakfast as usual, headed to the bank for a transaction and then I was off to work.

Work was extremely slow as there was nothing to do, so I passed my time on Youtube and on designing some web banners for the site and for my friend's blog. One good thing that happened was that I got a call from Time Out Beirut Magazine, telling me that I won a ticket for 2 to watch the avant premiere of Total Recall! Woot Woot!

I left work around 2 pm and headed to my grandma's place to wait for the technician to come and install the internet, and yes.. I still haven't had lunch!

Coming home at 4, my sister was down from the mountains with her babies but that didn't bother me. I heated the fish that my mom had cooked already and tossed the salad.

To pass time, I decided to watch the trilogy of the Bourne again and so I did. Once done, it was already late night and I was somewhat tired.

I just hit the bed and dozed off till morning.


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